
Hotels are taking in-room entertainment to the next level


Hotelier magazine feature article

Hotel guestroom entertainment systems have experienced a remarkable evolution driven by rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations. As travellers increasingly seek a home-away-from-home experience, hoteliers are partnering with hotel Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to implement cutting-edge technologies that meet these demands. This partnership is setting new standards in hospitality, re-defining luxury and convenience.

Kara Heermans, SONIFI Senior Vice President of Product Management and User Experience
SONIFI’s Kara Heermans

Luxury hotels, such as Hyatt, have teamed up with LG and guest technology provider Sonifi to integrate Google Cast into LG hotel TVs set for this fall. Kara Heermans, SVP of Product & User Experience at Sonifi, says, “With LG and Google, we can have that software built into the TV, which means that compatibility is always available without a separate device. Guests still have access to an HDMI port. They can still plug in their computers or gaming devices that they bring along.”

“Back in the day, you had access to movies that you didn’t get at home,” says Richard Lewis, VP of Technology & Research at LG Business Solutions. “Now, you can get that personalized, frictionless experience at the hotel. We [now] see a pick-up of extended stays, which are longer than a typical week’s vacation. People are [either] travelling for business or they’re discretionary travellers.”

“We [also] see a lot more boutique hotels offer a community experience,” says Heermans. “Some hotels are cropping up within apartment buildings to make it feel like you’re truly living there. That ties into the extended stay, where folks will stay for two weeks due to the wide acceptance of remote work.”

Read the entire article on hoteliermagazine.com.

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